How To Swaddle Your Baby. Approved Safety Recommendations.

Swaddling or wrapping your baby is a great way to help your baby settle and sleep well.

It is important that you follow safe sleep guidelines.

Here are the safe sleep guidelines as recommended by Red Nose Australia (you can find more information here). 

Please click the link above and read Red Nose Australia's guidelines. This is not the opinion of Milk & Poppy. 

To reduce the risks of sudden unexpected deaths in infancy (SUDI), including SIDS and fatal sleep accidents, it's important that you know about these guidelines:

  1. Always place baby down to sleep on their back, not on their tummy or side. 
  2. Sleep baby with their head and face uncovered
  3. Keep baby smoke free before and after birth.
  4. Provide a safe sleep environment day and night.
  5. Sleep baby in their own safe sleep space in the same room as an adult caregiver for the first six to twelve months.
  6. Breastfeed baby.

Information from Red Nose Australia about swaddling your baby:

  1. Wrapping, when used appropriately, is a useful strategy that parents can use to help their babies to settle and sleep on their back during the early months of life.
  2. There is limited evidence that wrapping infants on the back has a protective effect against sudden unexpected deaths in infancy.
  3. Although there is no evidence that wrapping or swaddling is protective. There is no evidence that it is harmful if principles of safe wrapping (see also below) are applied.
  4. Wrapping and placing babies on the back provides stability and helps to keep babies in the recommended back position.
  5. Being wrapped and placed on the tummy is associated with a greatly increased risk of SUDI and should always be avoided.
  6. Using principles of safe wrapping will reduce risks associated with infant wrapping and swaddling.
  7. When wrapping baby, allow for hip flexion and chest wall expansion.
  8. Ensure baby is not over dressed under the wrap, has the head uncovered and does not have an infection or fever.
  9. Babies must not be wrapped if sharing a sleep surface (including bed-sharing).
  10. Discontinue wrapping baby as soon as baby shows signs of attempting to roll.

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